Sequel series to the 1979 "Connections" where historian James Burke walks the viewer through the tenuous threads of history that link seemingly obscure scientific breakthroughs and the events and products that we have today. For example, why the winner of the Le Mans owes his victory to photography or what do police detectives, billiard balls, clear glass and Darwin have to do ...
Actor Bill Nighy narrates as cameras follow trains travelling though some of the most scenic landscapes in the world. The stories of these iconic railways are told by those who travel on, work on and live beside them.
S04E01 Dunedin Railways, New Zealand
May 14, 2021
A trip through New Zealand's scenic South Island on Dunedin Railway's trains - the Inlander and the Seasider.
导演的纪录片冬日漫步第一季免费蓝光未删减版于2020年在英国首播,受到了观众们的热烈欢迎。演员阵容涵盖了Simon Armitage等角色,值得一看。经过4283次播映,在电影之星上的这部冬日漫步第一季免费蓝光未删减版成为了常驻之作。
Famous faces take gentle walks through the English wintertime countryside.
此为导演Southan Morris执导的「印度之旅」,在2011年在英国首播的纪录片。卡罗琳·昆汀等人是这部电影的主演之一,他们的表现令人赞叹。67520次的播放次数彰显了「印度之旅」在电影之星上的受欢迎程度,持续引领着观众的追捧和追寻。
Caroline Quentin will take viewers on an epic journey through India for a brand new ITV1 series. Produced by Tiger Aspect, the 3x60 documentary Caroline Quentin: A Passage through India will provide a deeply personal insight into one of the world's most remarkable and diverse countries though the eyes of one of our best loved stars. Starting in the far north, and working her wa...
1979年推出的影片《TotheManorBorn免费蓝光》目前已更新至正片片源,由英国导演制作的影片,附有中文字幕,豆瓣网站显示这部电影的评分为5分。这个作品的导演是Penelope Keith,Peter Bowles等是主演之一。它的奇妙情节和生动的人物塑造让人着迷,让人在情感上产生共鸣。
Audrey fforbes-Hamilton is sad when her husband dies but is shocked when she realises that she has to leave Grantleigh Manor where her family has lived forever. The new owner is Richard De Vere, owner of a major supermarket chain. Audrey makes sure she's on hand to keep an eye on him by buying The Old Lodge on the edge of the Manor grounds. As time goes by both Richard and Audr...
此为导演Mike Taylor执导的运河之旅第十季免费蓝光更新至正片,于2019年在英国首播,是一部纪录片。主演阵容中的提摩西·韦斯特,普鲁内拉·斯凯尔斯等人,为这部电影带来了极具震撼力的演出。82186次的播放次数证明了运河之旅第十季免费蓝光更新至正片在电影之星的受欢迎程度,持续吸引着观众的关注和追寻。
A documentary on the importance of the UK repertory theatre system and the role of the actor today.
导演唐纳德·迈克威尼的马普和露西亚第一季免费HD更新至正片是在1985年由他执导,在英国播映的喜剧之一。杰拉尔丁·麦克伊万,普鲁内拉·斯凯尔斯,奈杰尔·霍桑,丹尼斯·里尔,玛丽·麦克劳德,詹姆斯·格林尼,杰弗里·蔡特,杰拉尔丁·纽曼,Cecily Hobbs,Marion Mathie等演员担任着这部电影的主要角色。在电影之星上连续播映了39255场的这部电影,使得它成为了网站的一项重要内容。
Mrs Emmeline Lucas (Lucia) has just moved to the small English town of Tilling where she comes into conflict with the social ambitions of Miss Elizabeth Mapp. Until now, Miss Mapp has led (and controlled) the social life of Tilling, but that was before they met Lucia.
导演唐纳德·迈克威尼的力作「马普和露西亚第二季」1080P高质量版于1986年在英国播出,成为一部备受关注的喜剧。杰拉尔丁·麦克伊万,普鲁内拉·斯凯尔斯,奈杰尔·霍桑,丹尼斯·里尔,玛丽·麦克劳德,詹姆斯·格林尼,Cecily Hobbs,杰弗里·蔡特,Marion Mathie,杰拉尔丁·纽曼,Ken Kitson,Lucinda Gane,Cherry Morris,Morris Barry,Derek Parkes等演员的加盟让演员阵容更加耀眼。21617次的播映让「马普和露西亚第二季」1080P高质量版在电影之星上成为了一个经常出现的作品。
Lucia discovers why Georgie is hiding himself away - he has shingles,so she lets him stay at Grebe,where he grows a beard to mask the marks on his neck but has to dye it as the hairs are grey. Lucia dabbles in the stock market and her shares in the South African gold mine Siriami pay dividends,inspiring other Tilling residents to follow her example. When the shares peak everybo...
布罗迪小姐的青春720P未删减版是在1978年由备受期待的导演Christopher Hodson执导,在英国上映的一部剧情。这部电影由杰拉尔丁·麦克伊万,琳赛·巴克斯特,Amanda Kirby,Vivienne Ross,特蕾西·蔡尔兹等人主演,他们的表演一定会给观众留下深刻印象。经过在电影之星上连续播放了99214次的布罗迪小姐的青春720P未删减版,充分展现了其备受欢迎的程度。